Large Bags
Small bags, purses, and reasonably sized backpacks are permitted in Interbay Stadium. Any larger sized bags are prohibited and will not be allowed. When possible, we encourage you to leave your bags at home to speed up lines and check-in at the stadium, but understand sometimes you need them. All bags are subject to search upon entry.
Food and Beverage
Snack items for children are permitted inside the stadium as well as Pagliacci Pizza, but all other food is prohibited. All beverages are not allowed except for water bottles, which can come into Interbay full or empty. Water fountains are accessible at Interbay Stadium.
No weapons of any kind are permitted in the stadium, including, but not limited to, knives, firearms, box cutters, etc.
Fireworks or pyrotechnics of any kind, as well as smoke canisters/devices are also prohibited. This rule is in conjunction with the City of Seattle Parks and Recreation Department and applies to the surrounding area around Interbay Stadium and Memorial as well, including the southern hillside, as it is Parks property.
Folding chairs with legs are not allowed in the stadium, however, seat cushions and fold out chairs without legs (that create a connected, 90 degree angle) are allowed. “Crazy Creek” is an example of a permitted “chair.”
All animals are prohibited from entering the stadium except for working service dogs.
Re-entry at Interbay Stadium is not permitted.
Selfie sticks, large video cameras, laptops, tripods, and the like are all prohibited. Strollers are allowed in the stadium, though we ask that you leave them in your car/at home whenever possible due to limited space. If your tickets are in a seated section, ask your usher about where to fold up and place your stroller. And if in a standing area, please fold up the stroller and place it in an out of the way area.
Further Questions?
Please reach out to if you have further questions about our policies.